Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute

Strategic Plan

Livestock contributes about 42 percent to the agricultural GDP and 12 percent to the national GDP. The livestock sub-sector is therefore instrumental in the realization of the goals set out in the Kenya Vision 2030 and its attendant Third Medium Term Plan (MTP-III) whose realization is being driven by the BIG 4 AGENDA. For Food Security and Nutrition of the BIG 4 Agenda to be realized, animal diseases that erode livestock assets and livelihoods of livestock dependent communities and livestock value chain actors have to be prevented, progressively controlled and where possible eradicated in order to improve animal productivity and enhance access of animals and animal products to local, regional and international markets.

This Strategic Plan is an important guide for KEVEVAPI as it articulates the strategic direction the Institute will take in the next five years. It addresses the most significant challenges facing the Institute and provides opportunities for meeting the needs of Kenyans towards the achievement of our vision of being a globally recognized institute in the production and supply of high quality and affordable veterinary vaccines.

Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute

The plan focuses on the following three (3) Key Result Areas; Veterinary Vaccines Production and Marketing; Research and Innovation; and Institutional Capacity. Realization of the three results will ensure that KEVEVAPI plays its role in national development especially its contribution to Food Security and Nutrition in support of the Big Four Agenda. The total cost for implementation of the Strategic Plan for the five years is Ksh 4.7 billion. Its successful implementation will be realized through effective management, efficient utilization of resources and commitment by all staff and the Board as well as embracing partnerships and collaboration with communities we work with, partners and stakeholders. 

The KEVEVAPI Board commits that it will dedicate the energy, time and resources to ensure full implementation of the strategic plan by aligning key performance metrics to the strategic plan, tracking progress towards realizing the vision, overseeing the implementation of the annual work plans and performance contract and mobilizing the necessary resources. We acknowledge the livestock keeping communities, partners and stakeholder for supporting the work we do and for contributing to the development of this Strategic Plan. In particular, we appreciate the support of the Government of Kenya and Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for supporting upgrading of facilities and European Union and International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for supporting research on new vaccines. We look forward to your support during the implementation of the plan.