The livestock sub-sector is instrumental in the realization of the goals set out in the Kenya Vision 2030 and its attendant Third Medium Term Plan (MTP-III) whose realization is being driven by the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). For Food Security and Nutrition of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda to be realized, animal diseases that erode livestock assets and livelihoods of livestock dependent communities and livestock value chain actors have to be prevented, progressively controlled and where possible eradicated in order to improve animal productivity and enhance access of animals and animal products to local, regional and international markets.The Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute(KEVEVAPI) is mandated to produce safe, efficacious and affordable veterinary vaccines through undertaking research, providing information, marketing and distribution for improvement of the livestock industry.
We are committed to providing all stakeholders with quality services and veterinary vaccines. Download the KEVEVAPI Client: Service Charter